NOK Management System



Terms of Use

The Next-Of-Kin Management System ("Service") allows entities access to personal data of passengers and their next-of-kin in the event of a crisis. All access to the Service is governed by and subject to the terms and conditions below, as may be amended from time to time ("Terms"). If you do not accept any of these Terms, please do not use the Service.
  1. Changi Airport Group (Singapore) Pte Ltd (“CAG”) provides access to the Service in good faith, and every reasonable effort is made to ensure that the information provided through the Service is correct and up to date.
  2. CAG does not make any warranty or representation that access to the Service will be uninterrupted, free from error, free from computer virus or other malicious, destructive or corrupting code or that any identified defect will be corrected. CAG shall not be liable for any losses arising out of or in connection with any such interruption, error, defect or computer virus or other malicious, destructive or corrupting code, including but not limited to:
    (a) any loss of, or any inability to retrieve, any data or information however caused as a result of any interruption, suspension or termination of Service; and
    (b) any inaccuracy or incompleteness in the information presented, used or transmitted through the Service.
  3. The information is provided 'as is' without warranty of any kind. CAG excludes all warranties, either expressed or implied (including, but not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, satisfactory quality or freedom from hidden defects). Any person relying on any of the information when using the Service, shall do so at its own risk.
  4. To the fullest extent permitted by the applicable law, CAG hereby disclaims any liability and in no event shall CAG be liable for any damage including, without limitation, direct, indirect or consequential damages including loss of revenue, loss of profit, loss of opportunity or other loss arising from the use of or the inability to use the information transmitted through the Service including damages arising from inaccuracies, omissions or errors
  5. Where appropriate, CAG uses available technology for security of the Service. However, CAG shall not be responsible or liable for the security, authenticity, integrity or confidentiality of any transactions and other communications made when using the Service. Despite CAG’s best efforts, CAG makes no warranties that the Service and that it is free of infection by computer viruses or other unauthorised software. You should take appropriate steps to keep your information, software and equipment secure and report to CAG immediately if you know or have reason to suspect that the security of your profile has been compromised or your profile has been used by another person without your authority.
  6. CAG shall be entitled to suspend, terminate or vary the Service at any time without prior notice at its sole and absolute discretion without giving any reason and without prejudice to its rights against you (including all rights of action for any antecedent breach of these Terms by you).
  7. These Terms shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Singapore. You irrevocably agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Singapore courts.
  8. CAG may, from time to time and at its sole and absolute discretion, amend these Terms without prior notice. The amended Terms will be posted on this site. Your access and use of the Service after the amended Terms have been posted, will constitute your acceptance and agreement to be bound by the amended Terms. For the avoidance of doubt, references to these "Terms of Use" shall include such Terms of Use as amended from time to time by CAG and posted on this site.